Republicans United
Spreading America First across college campuses since January 2018
Basic EconomicsThomas Sowell
Capitalism and FreedomMilton Friedman
Conscience of a ConBarry Goldwater
Federalist PapersJay, Madison, Hamilton
Ship of FoolsTucker Carlson
Rules for RadicalsSaul Alinsky
Art of the DealDonald Trump
The Art of WarSun Tzu
Mine Were of TroublePeter Kemp
CuckservativeJohn Red Eagle, Vox Day
The Bell CurveRichard Herrnstein, Charles Murray
White IdentityJared Taylor
Assault on the LibertyJames Ennes Jr
The Culture of CritiqueKevin MacDonald
The Selfish GeneRichard Dawkins
Guns, Germs, and SteelJared Diamond
The International JewHenry Ford
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Industrial Society and it’s Future
1984George Orwell
Animal FarmGeorge Orwell
Brave New WorldAldous Huxley
Starship TroopersRobert Heinlein